A number of doctors affiliated with the Center for Clinical Skills and the Training Center at the Libyan International University of Medical Sciences concluded the training course in \”Advanced Traumatology\” (ATLS), which was held in the Egyptian capital Cairo with the approval of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and implemented by the Egyptian Center for Training in Life Support Programs during the period From February 13 to 18, 2020
The participation of university doctors in this interactive training course comes in implementation of the university\’s plan to qualify accredited trainers in \”Advanced Trauma Treatment\” (ATLS) in preparation for completing all accreditation requirements by the American College of Surgeons (ACS), so that the university\’s clinical skills center is organized into a series of accredited and widespread training centers Around the world to implement such courses, which contributes to the success of training and continuous development programs for the national medical components, and promotes graduate programs according to the requirements of the Libyan Council for Medical Specializations.